Ethics Hotline

Toll-Free for use within the United States: +1-855-603-6987

International Hotline and Website: +1-503-597-4328

DAI has contracted with an outside firm, EthicsPoint, to provide a 24-hour hotline that enables the anonymous reporting of fraud and compliance concerns. The international hotline listed above provides a platform for you to report any unethical conduct anonymously, through the internet or over the phone. You will be asked a series of questions so that complete information can be communicated to the appropriate DAI official, and you will be provided a means of following up regarding the outcome of the report. Alternatively, you may submit concerns or complaints directly to DAI’s CECO in writing through email (, fax (+1-240-823-2550), or mail (7600 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA), or by calling directly (+1-301-771-7998). Please be advised that calling, faxing, and/or submitting electronic mail reports may not protect anonymity, depending on the systems used by the reporting party. For completely anonymous submissions, you should use the ethics hotline (+1-503-597-4328 or


Contact Information

Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer
7600 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20814 USA
Telephone: +1-301-771-7998
Confidential Fax: +1-240-823-2550

You may submit a concern or complaint regarding ethics and compliance concerns without fear of dismissal or retaliation of any kind. DAI will not discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or in any manner discriminate against any person in terms and conditions of employment based upon any lawful actions that person may take with respect to good-faith reporting of concerns or complaints regarding ethics and compliance concerns.